Language Parties around the World

Kimberley Region, AU, 2025
(Kununurra, Halls Creek, Broome)

Perpignan, FR, 22/Mar/2024

Darwin, AU, 23/May/2021
Darwin Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre

Manila, PH, 21/Jan/2020
UST English Language Studies Society

Gateshead, UK, 8/Dec/2019 🔗
Words Weekend

Canberra, AU, 1/Dec/2019 📄

Perpignan, FR, 27/Nov/2019
Université Perpignan

Fort Worth, US, 9/Nov/2019 📄🔗
Museum of Science and Technology

Geraldton, AU, 19/Sep/2019 📄
Bundiyarra Aboriginal Corporation

Darwin, AU, 16/Aug/2019
Melaleuca Refugee Centre

Broome, AU, 9/Aug/2019 📄
Corrugated Lines Festival

Bundaberg, AU, 9/Jul/2019

Manila, PH, 30/Apr/2019
UST English Language Studies Society

Tsholotsho, ZW, 12/Apr/2019

Shepparton, AU, 16/Mar/2019 📄
Shepparton Festival

Palmerston, AU, 25/Feb/2018 📄

Darwin, AU, 8/Jul/2017 📄🔗
Darwin Fringe Festival

Darwin, AU, 22/Apr/2017 📄🔗

Melbourne, AU, 18/Feb/2017 📄

Darwin, AU, 16/Oct/2016 📄

Darwin, AU, 24/Jul/2016 📄
Darwin Fringe Festival

Oakland, US, 21/Feb/2016 📄

Oakland, US, 13/Dec/2015 📄